Advent Candles (4 large)

Item #1078
Shipping Wt. 1.00 lbs.
Availability: In Stock


Set of four (three purple, one rose) 10" long x 3/4" diameter.

Three purple candles represent penance and longing, and are lit during the first, second and fourth weeks. The one rose-colored candle symbolizes joy, and is lit during the third week in glad anticipation of the birth of Jesus.

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1 review

Advent candles
Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Dec 23, 2015  |  By Nancy B.
I live in an Independant Senior Living Community. Every Sunday we have a Communion service with a Deacon attending.I prepared the Wreath each Sunday for our use at this service. It was attractive and well received. a nice addition to our service.
Nancy B.